Bayerisches Eisenbahnmuseum & BayernBahn photo trains
in the Ries meteor crater on 23 July 2021
194 192 pulls 10 open top hoppers type Fc as train 69303 (Noerdlingen - Donauwoerth) just west of Moettingen at 07:23 hours.
The same train on the Woernitz River bridge in front of Harburg Castle in Harburg at 07:54 hours.
Departure from Woernitzstein at 08:55 hours.
V100 2100 passes Wilburgstetten station from the foto point at the Woernitz River bridge to Noerdlingen at 10:05 hours.
Just south of Fremdingen at 11:35 hours.
In Noerdlingen there was a line-up at 12:02 hours. E63 02 shunted 194 192, while 151 001 and V100 1365 sat around.
212 284 took BayernBahn Henkel train 59946 (Wassertruedingen - Langenfeld) from Wassertruedingen to Noerdlingen near Zollhaus at 13:53 hours.
Oettingen was almost reached at 14:07 hours.
Approaching Road 466 level crossing south of Oettingen.
V100 1365 passed a level crossing and a VW Beatle just north of Auhausen with a classical set of coaches from Wassertruedingen to Noerdlingen at 15:42 hours.
A pretty religious ensamble provided the frontdrop at Hainsfarth at 16:02 hours.
Main line glory still looms at Duerrenzimmern at 16:36 hours.
The colours of the Ford Granada met at Pfaefflingen at 16:50 hours does remind one of the colours of BayernBahn electric locomotive 140 850.
V100 2100 is ready to depart Wassertruedingen for Noerdlingen as 362 888 looks on at 17:22 hours.
At 17:35 hours the forest near Zollhaus was reached.
The whole area around Noerdlingen lays in a 25 km diameter meteor crater or on the rim of it. People living on the crater rim at Hohentruedingen in the background were able to see
V100 2100 with her neat 2-axle freight cars at 17:53 hours.
A classic shot at the Woernitz River bridge at Oettingen can't be left out.
And here is a picture taken from the meteor crater rim at Harburg Castle. At this place we can see that the River Woernitz cut itself through the crater rim. BayernBahn 110 262 takes the classical coaches as train 69331 (Noerdlingen - Harburg) over the river bridge at 19:12 hours.
At the base of the Crater Rim cutting westbound BayernBahn 110 262 can be seen as train 95248 (Harburg - Noerdlingen) on the other Woernitz River bridge at Harburg at 19:39 hours.
The last ray of lights were caught at the western signals of Moettingen station at 20:01 hours. One can't help stop thinking the reflection of the semaphore signal inspired the livery of BayernBahn electric locomotive 139 287.